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Dive into the world of index design

Build indexes with confidence and gain actionable insights

Take your index design to the next level with expanded data sources, back testing capabilities, and valuable collaboration tools.

We bridge the gap between concept and reality with our expert implementation solutions.

1. Xác định Tầm Nhìn Của Bạn

What problem are you solving with this index? Is it tracking a specific market segment, measuring risk/return, or generating alpha?
Who will use this index? Understanding your target audience.

2. Xây dựng Vũ Trụ Dữ Liệu

Identify the assets or securities to be included. This could be stocks, bonds, commodities, or even alternative assets.
Set eligibility criteria. Define factors like market capitalization, sector, geographic location, or liquidity for inclusion.

3. Phương Pháp Trọng Số

How will individual components contribute to the overall index value? Popular choices include market capitalization weighting, equal weighting, and factor-based weighting.
Consider the impact of weighting on the index’s performance and risk profile.

4. Kiểm Tra Ngược

Simulate the historical performance of the index based on your chosen design. This helps identify potential biases and weaknesses.
Make adjustments to the universe, components, or weighting until you achieve the desired performance.

5. Xây Dựng và Tiến Xa

Develop a clear methodology document outlining the index construction and calculation rules.
Implement a system for regular rebalancing and data updates to ensure the index remains relevant and representative.

6. Tính toán và Phổ biến

Develop a robust platform that efficiently and accurately calculates your index value at regular intervals. Clearly document your calculation methodology. Sharing your index’s story, provide detailed documents explaining your index construction, weighting rationale, and performance history,…


Get Started for Free & Discover the Power of Index Design

  • Data delay 1 month
  • 100 Indexes + (2 indexes Top Ranking)
  • Not require Login

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Unlock Powerful Features & Design Indexes with Confidence
$999/ YEAR

  • Data delay 1 day
  • 10000 indexes + (all indexes Top Ranking)
  • Require login
  • See 25 stocks
  • See 20 advanced metrics

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Unleash the Full Potential & Craft High-Impact Indexes
$9990/ YEAR

  • Realtime updated data
  • 40000 indexes + (all indexes Top Ranking)
  • Require login
  • See all stocks
  • See all advanced metrics
  • Build automatic investment portfolios
  • Receive risk notifications
  • Consulting on index listing registration

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